Mesenteric Adenitis

Mesentreric Adenitis is a condition in which the lymph nodes get inflamed. These lymph nodes are the tissues that help our body to fight off the illness. Mesenteric Adenitis is the inflammation of the lymph nodes in in the membrane of the body, that attaches our bowels, intestines and to the abdominal wall, commonly known as the mesentry. This condition is generally the result of an intestinal infection. It is sometimes mistaken as appendicits.

Mesenteric Adenitis Symptoms

Since Mesenteric Adenitis results cause the inflammation of the lymph nodes that lies within the mesentery, it may result in numbr of symptoms, which varies from individual to individual in intensity. There are some common symptoms of this condition. These signs and symptoms are very similar to that of appendicitis, however there are some differences, due to which it can be differentiated from the other.

Some common symptoms of this condition are:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Malaise
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal tenderness

Apart from the common symptoms of this disease, there are certain symptoms that are very serious. If this condition is left without any treatment, it may lead to the rupture of the appendix, which may pose a threat to life.

Some of the life threatening symptoms of this disease is:

  • High fever, with temperature above 101 degree Fahrenheit.
  • Nausea, that may be accompanies by vomiting
  • Distension, abdominal swelling and bloating
  • Severe pain in the abdomen

Some of the symptoms are explained in details:

Abdominal Pain – It is located in the lower abdomen on the right side or the iliac fossa. The pain is very colicky, which resolves on its own, without any intervention. The pain then shifts from one region of the body to the other.

Sore Throat or preceeding cold – Very often, it has been noticed that sore throat and cold appears in the initial days before the onset of this disease. The neck glands may also be swollen at this time.

Diarrhea – the patient may experience episodes of loose stools, and sometimes Yersinia infection may also be associated with it. Even appendicitis may cause diarrhea.

Anorexia – A person suffering from mesenteric lymphadenitis does not face any problem related to his appetite. He still can eat and drink. If the there is a decrease in the appetite, it means that the person is suffering from appendicitis.

Mesenteric Adenitis Causes

Mesenteric Adenitis is generally caused due to viral or a bacterial infection. There may be an infection in the lymph nodes of the mesentery. It is only when these lymph nodes are infected that they get inflamed and therefore result in the occurrence of the symptoms of the disease.

There are a number of risk factors that may result in this condition. But it is not necessary that all the people with such risks will land up getting Mesenteric adenitis.  The risk factors of this condition include:

  • Male gender
  • Childhood

Since the lymph nodes plays a very important role in the immunity of the body, any infection in this membrane will make the body prone to a host of diseases. There are approximately 600 odes n the body which help in trapping and destroying viruses, bacteria and other harmful organisms from the body. It is in this process of trapping that the lymph nodes trap the dust, get infected due to them, and get swollen up.  The lymph nodes in the mesentery get swollen up due to viral infection that may be due to gastroenteritis. It is sometimes also referred to as stomach flu. Sometimes children also develop an upper respiratory infection before or after mesenteric lymphadenitis.

Mesenteric Adenitis Age

Generally Mesenteic Adenitis can occur in adults. But the mean age in which this condition occurs is 18 or up. It is more common in children and adolescents, who are more than 15 years of age. It can affect anyone from the age of 5 to 44.

Mesenteric Adenitis Contagious

Mesenteric Adenitis is not a contagious disease. It generally clears on its own. But you should take all the necessary precautions to make sure that it does not spread from you o the other person, or from the infected one to you. It may not be generally contagious, but it should also not be entirely left untreated.

Mesenteric Adenitis Diagnosis

Mesenteric Adenitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mesenteric lymph nodes that is located in the lower right quadrant of the body.  It should be clinically diagnosed so as to detect the level of infection in the membranes. Routinely, cross section imaging is done so as to avoid unnecessary surgery that may be sometimes recommended in case the doctor detects the condition to be mesenteric adenitis.

The different techniques of diagnosis that are performed are:

Full Blood count – this technique shows the evidence of the infection with the elevated white blood cels. However, it has a drawback. It fails to distinguish between appendicitis, mesenteric adenitis or any kind of infection.

Ultrasonography – very often, Ultrasonography of the light lower quadrant is performed, accompanied with the graded compression of the mainstay, and has been a very important technique of examination in case of children.

CT – CT tests is performed in some cases so as to evaluate the appaendicitis without any intravenous contrast enhancement. This technique reduces the sensitivity of the CT for thickening of the bowel and mesenteric adenititis. This is especially in children who lack intraperitoneal fats.

Barium Enema – this option is very unlikely, especially f the child is suffering from abdominal pain. If it is done, it may show that thwe bowel walls are indentated due to pressure from the enlargement of the mesenteric lymph nodes.

Laparoscopy – if the diagnosis of this condition is not confirmed, and is dtill in doubt, then laparoscopy will surely help. The lymph nodes that surrounds the terminal ileum and the colon are more enlarged at the lymph node, which results in the swelling of the mesentery and an appendix that looks quite normal.

One thing must be kept in mind, that any kind of imaging modality finds the enlasgement of the lymph node non-specific. The lymph node is observed in addition to many other processes.

Mesenteric Adenitis Treatment

The only treatment that is recommended for Mesenteric Adenitis is medical treatment. The treatment procedure begins with you seeking medical help from the health care provider. It is a benign illness, may resolve without any treatment. It is also treated with the help of over-the-counter analgesics. This helps in relieving abdominal discomfort. Sometimes antiviral therapy may also be given. The treatment plan should be accurately followed. All the antibiotics that are instructed should be taken at regular intervals so as to avoid any chances of recurrence or reinfection. Electrolyte replenishment is a successful method of treatment if the patient is facing diarrhea and vomiting.

Some of the minor symptoms like fever may be resolved with the administration of medications like paracetamol. Antibiotics should be taken only when mesenteric adenitis gets serious enough so as to cause serious trouble sin the body.

In addition to the medications taken for treatment, you can enhance the recovery time by following these:

  • Application of moist heat to the abdomen so as to ease the tenderness
  • Adequate amount of rest
  • Hydration of the body so as to maintain the level of water in the body

There are many possible complications of this disease. It may lead to complications such as electrolyte imbalance and spread of infection.
This condition should be treated as soon as it is detected. This will help in the prevention of future complications.


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