Comments on: Meth Mouth – Pictures, Symptoms, Facts and Treatment The channel that provides the best solutions for your health problems as well as providing quality health articles! Fri, 06 Mar 2020 00:29:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bradford Thatcher Fri, 06 Mar 2020 00:29:21 +0000 In reply to SPEEDY.

Thank you. That is the most honest advice anyone can give about this topic. You speak in a way that only another user could understand and sometimes that kind of communication is all a user needs to find faith in themselves once again. Theres no bias, no false hope, no exaggeration in what you say. Only truth, and the truth is what is sought most when all else seems to be lost. It makes a world of a difference to be understood in that kind of situation. Thank you for taking the time to type that out. I know others will find your message beneficial as well.

By: SPEEDY Mon, 30 Jul 2012 09:48:04 +0000 Sure being high is great. So I thought i could beat it by brushing teeth, flossing and using mouth wash right after. But guess what? You can’t beat it at its own game. The only thing it did was slow down this process. Once it gets through the enamel it is like the snow ball effect. Now theres no way to reverse it. Chewing gum did help my mouth start producing saliva but once again, just prolongs your perfect smile for a bit longer. If your looking for a solution that actually works? My advice to you is put down the torch and pizzo and get back on the road to sobriety. Truth me, once you are completely clean your not going to want to go back because once you look back, your going to realize how much money you have spent and the countless hours in the garage taking stuff apart and everything else along with it. Now think, all that money and time spinning your wheels on that mission that you assigned yourself to was a waste. You will have nothing to show for it except rotten teeth. Now your second option is to spend money going to school and do something constructive with your time and better your future. But I was once in your shoes and reading this alone won’t change your mind, going to N/A meetings will not change your mind. The only thing that is going to help you is yourself. If you aren’t ready to stop then forget it. The most sophisticated rehab won’t be able to help nor will anything else. Once you truly decide you are ready, then you will see all the windows of opportunity open up and your back on the path of a clean healthy lifestyle, but until then nothing will change. I am not a doctor, councellor or someone who researches this for a living. I have been down that road and traveled it for a long time. This is the true reality of it and I believe someone in that same position as I once was is a hundred times more likely to listen than a doctor who is living in a million home and has probably never even smoked pot. So if you want that sober life back thats the mentality you need. Think this is all bullshit? So did I back in high school when family members of mine took that step to becoming a contributing member of society again. Its going to be bad but just get it done!!!!
