Comments on: Glandular Fever – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery The channel that provides the best solutions for your health problems as well as providing quality health articles! Sat, 09 Feb 2019 18:32:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Mon, 28 May 2018 09:20:35 +0000 The rise is in lymphocytes, not monocytes. Mononucleosis comes from tech fact that the cells have one lobe, so are therefore round and not polymorphis like neutrophils which are multi lobed

By: diod Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:47:24 +0000 I HAVE JUST ON 1 SIDE Wollen lymphglands??

By: m honeybone Mon, 14 Mar 2011 19:13:26 +0000 i have sufferd from reacurring glandular fever since 1981 sometimes only mildley but of late very severe since having a very bad virus, i agree with all the symtoms you give, but having nursed three children and myself i could write a book , it has a lot to answer for, i find echinacea helps me and allso for sore throuts tea tree oil diluted for gargling and on my toothbrush regards Maurren Honeybone
