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]]>Aside from the eight types of bone features mentioned above, there are other kinds of fracture and these are displaced and non-displaced fracture. How can you tell if a person has a displaced or non-displaced fracture?
A non-displaced fracture takes place if the bone breaks only in one spot and stays aligned. On the other hand, a displaced fracture is when the bone snaps into several pieces and cannot be aligned.
A greater force or pressure causes a non-displaced fracture. The force is strong enough for the bone to bear. The force is not only intense but occurs suddenly. Some of the incidents or situations that cause a non-displaced fracture includes the following:
What are the clinical manifestations of non-displaced fracture?
To confirm the diagnosis of a non-displaced fracture, the doctor will perform several tests which include the following:
Treating a non-displaced fracture can be done in many different ways. However, the treatment approach primarily depends on the severity and extent of fracture. How long does a non-displaced fracture take to heal? It all depends on the extent and severity of fracture as well as the treatment approach used.
The goal of non-displaced fracture treatment is to put the detached bone back into the normal position and allow it to heal so as to facilitate the formation of new bone around the edge to connect to the detached parts. (1, 4, 6, 9, and 10)
Home remedies for non-displaced fracture
A broken bone needs to be treated the soonest time possible. The patient should be immediately brought to the nearest hospital, especially if the patient is unresponsive, not moving, bleeding heavily, or not breathing.
If there is no hospital nearby, a first-aid remedy should be given. However, if there is no one nearby who knows how to administer first-aid, then it is best to keep the patient still to prevent further injury. If there is someone nearby who knows how to administer first aid, then the following measures should be given to the patient.
The time needed for a non-displaced fracture to heal completely is dependent on various factors such as the severity and extent of injury and the type of treatment approach used by the doctor. The body’s response to a particular treatment is also another thing to be considered. Therefore, the recovery period varies from one person to another. (6, 9, and 10)
Fractures can be prevented by not engaging in activities that could compromise your bone structure. However, accidents happen the moment you least expect it to happen. The best thing you can do is to protect your bones through the following ways:
An orthopedic trauma specialist is the doctor responsible for the treatment of bone fracture. However, not all broken bones require an orthopedic trauma specialist. Research shows that a fracture of all types heal better and have a superior functional outcome when attended to by an orthopedic trauma specialist.
A non-displaced fracture bone may take several weeks or even longer to heal completely. The length of recovery period has something to do with the type of fracture, location, and severity. The recovery rate is also affected by other existing injuries or medical conditions. For the patient to recover completely from a non-displaced fracture, he/she should strictly follow the doctor’s advice. Once the healing is complete, the patient will be pain-free and will be able to move the fractured site with ease and comfort. (2, 4, 7, 9, and 10)
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]]>The post Ulcerative Colitis | Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Ulcerative Colitis is a bowel disease that affects the colon or large intestine. It is also known as IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and incorporates a set of diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. It develops when the large intestine and rectum get inflamed resulting in tiny sores or ulcers on the colon lining. It starts in the rectum and spreads upwards involving the entire colon.
Inflammation induces bowel to move rapidly and discharge its contents quickly. Bowel lining has surface cells which die to form ulcers that release pus, mucus and also bleeding. It affects all ages, but mostly people between 15-35 age groups are diagnosed. UC have similar symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.
UC is a result of immune system failing to defend a bacteria or virus from inflaming intestinal walls. Other reasons are:
Symptoms get worse in the morning. However, it depends upon the bowel part affected.
UC is confused with other diseases due to similar symptoms and multiple tests will help experts to diagnose. The tests include:
In a standard surgery entire colon is removed and a small opening is left open at the end of the small intestine that forms ileostomy. Stool gets collected in the bag attached to the ileostomy. With recent improvements continent ileostomy is created from intestine that acts like a rectum and it is emptied regularly with a tube.
There is no evidence of what causes ulcerative colitis, but certain foods can worsen the situation. The following can help in preventing the disease to worsen:
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]]>The post Narcolepsy | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>The limits between wakefulness and sleep are blurry which causes the patients to feel fatigued and sleepy in the daytime. They experience hallucinations, dreams even paralysis while waking up or falling asleep during the day with interrupted night sleep. In a healthy sleep cycle, there are several stages, and it takes a minimum of 90 minutes to get REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. However, in this disorder, people sleep immediately and get REM. Child or adults both can suffer from this disease. There is no known treatment, but specific changes in lifestyle can improve the condition.
The definite cause of Narcolepsy is yet not clear, but scientists have made progression in recognizing the elements allied.
Diagnosis can be done based on the symptoms of Narcolepsy, but for a detailed check up one will need to get the specific test done in a sleep clinic.
There is no proper treatment for this disorder, but with appropriate diagnosis symptoms can be treated. However, cataplexy cannot be transposed, it remains throughout the life, but with certain habits, it can be controlled.
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]]>The post Macular Degeneration | Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Macular degeneration is an age-related problem in the central part of the retina known as macula which gets destroyed causing chronic vision impairment. Disease is irreparable but can be managed with laser therapy, vitamin intake, vision aids and medication.
The disease is also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It loses or minimizes the sharp central vision, and one cannot see the details correctly. AMD does not hurt but allows the macula cells to die. It is the leading source of vision impairment in aged Americans. Random eye tests can help in detecting the disease before it results in vision loss.
It is the early stage of the illness when light-sensitive macula cells gradually break down. Dry AMD results from reduction of macular tissues or pigment deposition in macula due to age, sometimes a combination of both processes. Dry AMD is diagnosed once yellowish spots also called as drusen accumulate inside or around the macula. These spots are presumed to be the trash from the decaying tissue. Depending upon the accumulation of debris, dry AMD is differentiated in three stages, early, intermediate and advance. It is a gradual vision loss, but not chronic as wet AMD.
However, slow degeneration of the retinal cells can cause severe vision loss, but eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and protecting eyes from direct UV rays and dust can help to prevent it.
Not similar to Dry AMD, it is more chronic. New blood vessels are known as Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV) that develops below the retina and leaks fluid and blood. This discharge results in persistent damage to fragile retinal cells which end up making spots in focal vision. People suffering from dry AMD are at high risk of developing wet AMD. Wet AMD has two categories:
Macular degeneration is connected to aging, but genetic component also contributes to the disease. However, other factors are found to be responsible according to the research.
Deficiency of gene complement factor H (CFH) and Complement factor B is related with most of the AMD cases. Individual variants play a crucial role in the body’s immune system, and maximum examples have been found to be responsible for vision impairment.
Oxygen divested cells produce (VEGF) vascular endothelial growth factor. The normal function of (VEGF) is to develop new blood vessels at the time of embryonic development. But excessive production of VEGF increases development of new blood vessels in the retina which opens and breaks quickly damaging the macula.
There is no specific cure for macular degeneration, but some changes in lifestyle can lower the risk and slow the development. Patients should pursue some changes like proper exercising, avoiding smoking, adequate dieting, protecting eyes from UV rays, etc.
Also, there is no particular medication for macular degeneration, but some medication can improve the vision and reduce the development. However, it entirely depends on the disease stage, advanced, dry form or wet form.
There are FDA approved medicines for wet AMD treatments that reduce the abnormal growth of blood vessels. Medications like Eylea, Lucentis, Visudyne, Macugen with PDT or Photodynamic therapy. Lucentis has shown improvement of vision in a considerable number of people suffering from AMD.
Dietary modifications reduce risks of vision loss. Diet with abundant cold water fish and salmon fish which are high in omega-3 fatty acids reduces AMD symptoms or prevents the disease. Additionally, green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and proteins helpful in keeping eye diseases at bay.
Supplements like zeaxanthin and lutein are known to increase pigment density in the macula which are directly associated with AMD.
Progression of wet AMD development from dry macular degeneration is the main complexity. It increases the severity of the disease or complete vision impairment. However, there is no accurate way to anticipate that patient with dry AMD will progress or not. Eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes or retinal detachment are not the direct complexities of AMD but can develop from abnormal eye health. People can develop AMD and other eye problems simultaneously.
With improper care, it can worsen with time, but proper care helps to reduce the symptoms. Hence, the time duration of the disease is not apparent yet. The disease affects the central vision, and the peripheral vision is retained. Therefore, people can see enough to visit familiar surroundings. Additionally, utilization of magnifying glasses can help to improve vision while reading or watching.
Lifestyle plays a crucial role in inducing or reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fish and adopting healthy lifestyles without smoking, retaining weight and blood pressure to an average level and involving in regular moderate exercise will be helpful to prevent AMD.
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]]>The post Hyperhidrosis | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Hyperhidrosis is unusual and extreme sweating which is not associated with exercise or heat. A person sweats so much that it drenches through clothes and seeps through hands. Besides disturbing regular activities, excessive sweating can result in embarrassment and social anxiety. It is a common disorder and over 5% -10% of Americans suffers from it.
Hyperhidrosis in sole and palm sweating begins around the age of 13 while underarm sweating starts after maturity. If the problem is left untreated, it can continue throughout the life. In severe cases, serious issues are seen like problem in holding a pen, shaking hands or gripping a steering wheel. It can also make it hard to lead a healthy life. It can affect a specific body part or the entire body. However, feet, palm, underarm and groin are the most common parts affected due to the maximum number of sweat glands.
Other disorders include different type of cancers, Hodgkin’s disease, frequent infections like HIV, tuberculosis and Parkinson’s disease.
The doctor will examine for some underlying conditions first, like low blood sugar levels, or overactive thyroid through blood tests. Patients will be asked about the sweat pattern like body part affected, sweating episodes, whether they sweat during sleep, etc. Additionally, an expert might also ask a series of questions or ask to fill out a questionnaire to know the details.
It usually starts with the antiperspirants. Other therapies and medications are available if antiperspirants don’t work. In some severe cases, experts might suggest a surgery to separate the nerves liable for sweat overproduction or to remove sweat glands.
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]]>The post Ankylosing Spondylitis | Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Ankylosing Spondylitis affects the spine and is a type of arthritis that inflates sacroiliac joints and facet joints resulting in spine stiffness, inflexibility and hunched forward position. Sometimes ribs get affected by inflammation and make breathing difficult.
The disease causes calcium accumulation in spine’s discs and ligaments allowing the soft frames to stiffen which fuse together with vertebral bodies and joints. This illness makes the backbone, brittle, laborious and prone to fracture. In advanced cases, swelling develops new bone on the spine leading to abnormality or disfigurement. Ankylosing Spondylitis also stiffens other parts of the body like knees, shoulders, and hips. It affects men more than women, wherein signs and symptoms begin in early adulthood.
Ankylosing Spondylitis is assumed to be inherited genetically, but maximum patients with this disease have HLA-B27 gene. However, the relationship between this gene and the disease is yet unknown. Several tests have been developed to have a better understanding. However, some additional factors like poor posture and environmental factors intensify the disease.
Therapy can help to minimize the pain and inhibit disability. Timely treatment can diminish symptoms and hinder complications.
NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like naproxen and ibuprofen helps to manage pain and inflammation. These are ideal long-acting drugs for meager complications. Stronger medicines are recommended when NSAIDs do not provide sufficient relief.
Corticosteroids are usually prescriptive for a shorter duration. It is a strong inflammation fighter, and helps to alleviate symptoms and reduces damage around the area.
TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) are medicines that block causes of inflammation and decreases stiffness and joint pain. TNF inhibitors help to aid the progressed condition when NSAIDs are not effective.
In severe cases, the expert provides DMARDs, (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs). These medicines slow down the disease and help to hinder worsening symptoms.
In severe cases, deformity or damage of hip or knee joints takes place and replacement surgery is essential. Likely, the osteotomy is performed with lousy posture evoked by fused bones. In this procedure, surgeons realign or cut the bones in the spine to maintain the perfect shape. However, treatment depends entirely upon the severity of the condition and the intensity of its symptoms.
Eliminate diet that is rich in sugar, fat and sodium. Processed foods like bagged, boxed, canned foods etc. contain unhealthy ingredients like Trans fats and preservatives which can worsen the inflammation. Limit alcohol intake as it interacts with medicines and makes the situation worse. It doesn’t allow the medication to work and symptoms tend to intensify.
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]]>The post Carbuncle | Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Carbuncle is a skin infection that is characterized by red colored swollen and dome-shaped cluster of boils involving a group of hair follicles. The infection caused under the skin leads to formation of a lump which may damage deep through the skin and contain pus. It is also known as staph skin infection and usually grows to a size varying from 3 to 10 centimeters.
Carbuncles are likely to occur on hairy areas of the body particularly at the back of the neck. But they may also be found on shoulders, thighs, groin, buttocks, and armpits. This can result in permanent scarring on the skin affected. They may be very painful if grown in closely attached surfaces like nose, fingers or ears. Carbuncles are very infectious too and may spread to other parts of the body and even to other people.
The staphylococcal infection causes Furuncles or skin abscesses and involves the hair follicles and adjacent tissues. They contain a limited amount of pus and when these furuncles or boils are connected subcutaneously and are clustered together, they cause deeper scars and more pus formation.
These are smaller and more superficial in nature. In comparison to boils, Carbuncles cause deeper and much severe infection accompanied by fever and chills. Carbunculosis is when there is more than one Carbuncle develops.
Although everyone bears the risk of developing Carbuncles, some factors may increase the risks of its occurrence:
There might be severe complications related to these boils or Carbuncles. Sometimes, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria cause Carbuncles and the lesions must be drained out properly through high dosage of antibiotics to prevent further damage. Some of the common complications have been discussed below:
Usually, Carbuncles or simple boils can be treated with home methods. But if chronic, the doctor’s recommendations are crucial. One must never take the risk to drain a Carbuncle by him as it can lead to infections in the bloodstream. Some common treatments and medicines that doctors might prescribe are:
Carbuncles or infected boils cannot always be avoided but some measures must be adopted and proper hygiene must be maintained to reduce the risk of its occurrence:
Typically, boils and Carbuncles do not require medical treatment as they tend to burst and heal by themselves. If the Carbuncle is lying somewhere adjacent to the nose, spinal cord or eyes, one must call the doctor immediately or else it can lead to severe problems. But there are certain conditions if noticed and then you must consult a doctor:
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]]>The post Right Side Abdominal Pain | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>The lower right part of the abdomen comprises of different organs like a colon (in case of men) and right ovary (in case of women). Many reasons can cause mild to serve pain in this area. In most cases, the pain which arises in the right lower abdomen is not a major concern as it may fade away on its own in a day or two. However, if the pain remains constant for few days, then it is recommended to go through a detailed check-up
The appendix is a thin and small tube located at the intersection of the small and large intestine. An inflamed appendix is defined as appendicitis and is supposed to be the most common cause.
Appendicitis is a serious condition wherein the doctors often recommend removal of the appendix through surgery. If left untreated, the appendix may rupture over time and cause other complications.
There are several other causes of pain on either side of the lower abdomen. It may also happen that the discomfort is experienced on the right side, but the cause of pain is on the left side. Some of the other causes have been listed below:
There are a few reasons that are specific to women and cause pain on the right side of the abdomen. These factors are usually more serious and require medical attention. Even though the pain may be felt on the lower right side of the abdomen, the pain may be arising from the left side. Some of the common causes include:
Similar to women, few causes are specific to men only. These conditions require immediate medical attention and two major reasons include:
The following symptoms are a cause for concern and require urgent medical attention:
It is important to consult a doctor when the pain in the lower right abdomen lasts for more than a few days.
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]]>The post Upper Lip Twitching | Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>The surrounding areas of the mouth and lips experience small muscle contractions. Lip twitching is a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles present in the upper or the lower lips. The muscle tightening can happen to any of the lips at a time or both the lips together due to some irritation in the muscle supply by the nerves present around the lips. Twitching of lips can occur for seconds, minutes or more.
It feels like trembles, spasms or local movements of the lips. If this continues repeatedly, then it may turn out to be a long-term ailment or may be the cause of a severe underlying medical condition. Lip twitching is also termed as lip fasciculation and may occur to anyone of any age, race or gender.
If left upper lip twitching is felt, then the affected person may suffer from a nervous problem on the left-hand side of his or her lips. Various neurological diseases might be the cause for this.
Again, right side lip twitching may occur due to some nerve disorders on the right side of the face. This occurrence might be due to an injury to the facial nerve on the right side.
Twitching of lips may have significant symptoms and are often felt as soft tremors that may travel to the rest of the face too. Some of the signs are:
Several underlying causes reflect in twitching of the lips:
Although it is difficult to ascertain a specific treatment, some treatments have been beneficial for specific cases of lip twitching. Usually, neurological disorders and diseases of the brain are responsible for this condition, so they must be treated. But in most cases, people who suffer from lip twitching often ignore the condition, but this should be noted and taken care.
Doctors mostly prescribe medications for mild conditions of lip twitching. However, this cannot be treated but can be prevented by some natural ways and measures. They include approaches for reducing or sometimes stopping the movement of the lips thereby preventing twitching.
Mostly, lip twitching can easily be cured through changes made in the daily course of life. Dietary changes and changes in habit may help to reduce further worsening of the condition:
In most cases, lip twitching is considered harmless and disappears causing no residual problems. They tend to occur and then resolve on their own to people more prone to stress, and as a result, this twitching of lips arise in them at frequent intervals.
But in some cases when lip twitching becomes persistent and chronic, it is best to refer to a doctor to detect if any serious underlying medical condition is present. If other symptoms appear with lip twitching like muscle weakness, drooping of the face or visionary problems or any neurological disorders, then a doctor must be immediately consulted.
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]]>The post Tracheal Deviation | Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment appeared first on Prime Health Channel.
]]>Tracheal Deviation: The trachea, more commonly known as windpipe is one of the most important parts of the body as it is used for breathing. Its structure is like a tube which is about 1 inch in diameter and 4 to 6 inches in length. It is vertically located in front of the esophagus having 16-20 cartilage rings that prevent it from collapsing.
The trachea is a membrane suppurated by cartilage rings having an opening at the back. It is connected by a band of muscles which in return helps the trachea to expand and contract whenever we breathe in and out. It also acts as a defense mechanism whenever it is exposed to various environment irritants. While coughing, the mucous membrane that is lined on the inside becomes very sensitive, stimulates reflex action and coughs up the foreign body which enters the body.
Tracheal deviation in infants is not a major issue and has no medical concern. Infants up to the age of five years are prone to have a tracheal deviation that has no link to medical conditions. It happens because the infants have short neck relatively to trachea which resolves itself and outgrows afterward.
Grossly examining or a mere palpation will easily detect the deviation of tracheal. Even a mere x-ray report will reveal the following:
Tracheal deviation by itself does not cause any major health issue. But its causes and symptoms are the underlying problems that need to be addressed. Moreover, it is always treated with many precautions to avoid risks that may even lead to death.
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